Modern Farmer
‘Waste Wool’ is a Burden for Farmers. What if it Could be a Solution Instead?
CISA Spotlight
Valley Bounty: Western Massachusetts Fibershed
Channel 22 Mass Appeal
Western Mass Fibershed building local farm-to-closet economy
by Patrick Berry
Montague Reporter
Local Cloth: Reweaving a Landscape of Relationship
by K. Camara
Hitchcock Center for the Environment
Fibershed: A Green and Local Clothing Concept
by Katie Koerten
Exhibitions & Presentations
Fibershed: Woven Together
An exhibition of designers’ work at the Hitchcock Center for the Environment
Amherst, MA, Nov. 2019 – January 2020
Panel Presentation at Sheep & Shawl
South Deerfield, February 24, 2019